LETTER: Downtown Historic District Designation- Platform for Preserving Blowing Rock’s Architectural Heritage
November 22, 2024 Letters to the Editor. / By Patty Butler / I am writing to express my concern with and make your readers aware of the Blowing Rock Town Council’s vote, taken at the conclusion of November 12’s public hearing, to approve drama/c changes to the zoning provisions in the Land Use Code (“Code”). These changes endanger the historic one and two story buildings downtown, many of which are over 100 years old with several da/ng back to the town’s creation in the late 1800’s. My concerns stem from a place of deep seeded love for Blowing Rock and its charming, unique, and irreplaceable architecture and aesthetic. As a homeowner with multigenerational ties to this special place, I fear our town is in jeopardy of being destroyed by developers. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.