Sherrie Norris Lovin’ Spoonful Cooking Column: Happy Valentine’s Day!
February 12, 2025 February 14 is a day we should all remember without fail. Valentine’s Day has been celebrated for centuries as a time to honor those we love — and not just in a romantic setting. Named in honor of St. Valentine, a Roman Catholic priest, the legends behind the celebration have varied through the years, but the basic premise of the day is all about the importance of love. The celebration has held its own through time and is one of America’s most expensive holidays, coming in a close third behind Christmas and Easter. Proving our love in 2024 alone cost us nearly $26 billion; that number is expected to soar to over $27 this year. Candy, flowers, jewelry and cards are the most popular Valentine’s gifts, along with a special meal out on the town for many couples. But, don’t think you have to go overboard. There’s something truly heart-warming about those handmade gifts, especially from the kitchen, that probably mean just as much or maybe even more to the recipients — and will cost much less than something from the store. We’re here to help you with a few ideas to share the love, and with a reminder that chocolate is always a gift that speaks its own language. By Sherrie Norris