LETTERS: What team are you on: A, B, or C?
June 3, 2024 Letters to the Editor. By Charles Stafford / Team A upholds the fundamental principles of our Constitutional Republic, cherishing our representative democracy wherein the governed elect representatives to establish laws that govern us all. Disputes are resolved through the legal system, emphasizing non-violence as the means to settle differences. We hold steadfast to the belief that “no one” is exempt from abiding by the law. Team B: Our group holds the belief that representative democracy has failed and foresees a transition to autocracy as our next governmental structure. We assert that the efficacy of the rule of law hinges solely on our personal approval of the laws we favor. Team C: We acknowledge that we don’t completely resonate with all the stances of Team A or Team B. However, we strongly believe that another term for Mr. Trump poses a significant threat to our country. Another term of Joe Biden offers an acceptable level of stability as opposed to a revenge driven dictator on day one if Mr Trump is reelected.