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LETTERS: The Perpetually Self-Serving Mr. Miller Writes Again

So, Wayne Miller is back to writing Letters to The Editor about his favorite Blowing Rock boogey man, the BRCA, and just in time to begin his campaign for Town Council in 2025. This of course comes off his letter writing campaign in the 2023 election in which he was rewarded with a seat on the Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors for his efforts.

In his latest diatribe he states in emphatic generalities, and of course without any qualifications or facts, what the motivations and intentions of other citizens are. Mr. Miller is the epitome of the phrase; don’t let the facts get in the way of a good self-serving yarn.

Mr. Miller says the new higher tower on Green Hill Circle will not affect those property tax paying resident’s property value. How does he know? Is he a Licensed Real Estate Appraiser? If you say it Wayne, then prove it.

Mr. Miller states again without facts or qualifications, just his personal and biased opinion, that a group of BRCA members will sue to keep everyone else unsafe just so they don’t have to look at a new tower. Same with the water tank. It is without question that ignorance goes unmolested and Mr. Miller is walking, talking, pontificating proof. I suggest he review the 2023 Budget Workshop meeting from April 2022 on the Town website concerning the water tank.

No one is opposed to better communications for first responders Wayne. Instead of just making it up as you go, watch the videos of the meetings. Alternatives for the tower were suggested and the Town admitted they haven’t been explored. The Town Manager even stated one suggested location was blocked by Flat Top Mountain. Given Flat Top Mountain is due west of that site his statement is not factual.

The simple fact of the matter is the Town of Blowing Rock has not been open, honest, or transparent about the sudden need to replace this tower now. There is no question something needs to be done and no one disagrees with that. But Mr. Miller apparently believes disparaging others and providing his unfounded in facts and churlish opinions is a solution to the problem. It is not.

The Town attempted to skirt its own written codes in order to push this matter forward without any studies concerning the adverse effects of increasing the tower height, which in and of itself is only a band-aid solution considering the trees will continue to grow and technology will only improve. Remember, the proposal was not to replace or improve the current and outdated VHF system.

If Mr. Miller’s intentions were to offer a solution of any kind that would be one thing. Unfortunately, his intentions are to attack other property tax paying residents as “entitled” or “clubbers”, or a civic organization he disagrees with for spreading misleading information, and candidates for elected office he can’t or won’t engage or debate as having nefarious intentions. All of course without providing any facts or proof, only his baseless boorish opinions.

Mr. Miller’s obvious disdain and apparent jealousy for other Blowing Rock residents and property taxpayers is palatable and one of the main reasons the Town’s politics, citizens, and any issues have become so divisive. Congratulations Wayne. 

Written by: Gregg Bergstrom, Bowing Rock