H.C. Moretz, All-American Hero and Watauga County’s Last WWII Veteran, Dies at 100

January 15, 2025. If ever there was a patriot who loved God, country, family and his fellow man, it was Watauga County native Herbert Cleveland Moretz, Jr. Known simply as H. C. by those who knew him best, Moretz died just two months short of his 101st birthday, proving the “dash” between one’s birth and death dates (March 14, 1924 —January 9, 2025)  holds great significance; the space of time was one he never squandered. Not only was Moretz a patriot in every sense of the word, he was also Watauga County’s last known survivor of World War II.. By Sherrie Norris `

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Book Released about Part-Time High Country Resident, Internationally Acclaimed Physician, and United States Military Hero James (Jim) Wood

August 16, 2024 A book about the military and medical career as well as the personal life of part-time North Carolina High Country resident James (Jim) Wood, has been released. Throughout The Life and Times of James (Jim) Wood, he shares his professional and personal memoirs about his experiences that have made him a national military hero, an internationally acclaimed medical doctor, a model family man, and a longtime contributor in various capacities to many community, civic, government, religious mission, and other worthwhile causes across the world, including in the High Country. The book, which was written by High Country Press journalist Tim Gardner, has been called a fascinating read and a must-have book for anyone with ties to Wood, who has an interest in the military, the medical profession, or who just enjoys a good book. By Tim Gardner

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**The Heroes of the High Country**

July 9, 2024 Acting as the community liaison officer for the Boone Police Department, Officer Kat Eller has the difficult role of facilitating a healthy relationship with the community.  Prior to becoming a law enforcement officer, Officer Eller was a missionary in Macedonia and enjoyed working with the youth.  Little did she know how her life would change when she watched the events of 9/11 on television.  She was pulled to return to the US and pursue a career in Law Enforcement.   She graduated from Radcliff in VA with a degree in Criminal Justice in 1996 and then Basic Law Enforcement Training in 2002.  She served in various areas of law enforcement until 2007 when she landed a position with the Boone Police Department.  While in Boone, she earned an Advanced Law Enforcement certificate and completed the Criminal Investigators Program, among other honors.  Her dedication allowed her to serve in various positions until she reached her current role. By Patricia “Trish” Kanipe

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 Avery County Sheriff’s Office Offers Reminders for a Safe Independence Day

July 2, 2024 “According to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (2023) there were an estimated 10,200 fireworks-related injuries, and 11 fireworks-related deaths in 2022. Sheriff Mike Henley hopes to encourage the public to keep themselves and their families’ safe while celebrating our nation’s independence this week. You can help to reduce the number of fireworks-related injuries by following these basic safety tips:

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Meet-and-Greet Sessions with NASCAR and High Country Legend Waddell Wilson A Success

April 10, 2024 A smashing success was the consensus of how the meet-and-greet sessions sponsored by High Country Press with NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) Hall of Famer and Mitchell County native Waddell Wilson that were held in Bakersville and Spruce Pine on Saturday, April 6, transpired. The Mitchell County Historical Society and Mitchell County Economic Development and Chamber of Commerce also assisted with sessions. By Tim Gardner

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Sherrie Norris Lovin Spoonful Cooking Column: Keeping Comfort in the Food

April 3, 2024 Those calendar pages are turning at rapid speed. An early Easter slipped up on us on the very last day of March, and now we’re heading into April at a fast pace. It’s a busy time for all of us, especially for kids and parents heading out most afternoon to the practice fields for spring sports. We all have our “stuff” and it’s easy to get bogged down in the mundane, the routine that we’ve established for ourselves, whether by design or necessity. Still in the midst of our family crisis, with my brother on life support three hours away from home, I have come face-to-face recently with harsh realities. Not just for us, but for those around us. And, I’ve been reminded on so many occasions of things that really matter. I just don’t want to take anyone or anything for granted any more. I want to make every moment count. By Sherrie Norris

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Local Artist, Nysie Hurst, Heads to Spain to Conquer the Camino de Santiago This Month

March 20, 2024 Many people travel to the High Country seeking mountain adventures. Likewise, the people who call Boone and the surrounding areas home leave our mountains in search of adventures beyond Western North Carolina. One of those adventurous neighbors is Nysie Hurst, a longtime resident of Boone and local artist. This March, Nysie takes to the air to realize a 30-year-old dream of landing in Spain to join others from around the world taking part in a 3- month-long pilgrimage across Spain and France on the famous Camino de Santiago.

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Community Support Needed For Boone Woman Volunteering in African Children’s Home

February 26, 2024 McKenna Gragg of Boone is known for her love for children and making sure they receive the best of care in any situation. Since a child herself, Gragg has had a heart for serving others and at no time has that been more evident than in her recent decision to leave Boone for an ultimate childcare experience. “I am planning to go to Johannesburg, South Africa in July to spend a few months volunteering at Door of Hope children’s home,” Gragg shared recently with High Country Press. Door of Hope, she explained, is a Christian nonprofit organization that has been open for nearly a quarter of a century and has saved over 1500 infants from abandonment. By Sherrie Norris

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Farm Fresh: Organic organization cultivates community and fresh fare from the farm

June 26, 2023 Find women doing outstanding work in their field via Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture, a female-led organization dedicated to fostering a sustainable and fair food scene in the High Country. To do this, the organization bolsters local producers and creates connections among the community that contribute to knowledge and excitement of eating farm-grown food—ultimately upping the local demand and desire for local fare. By Anna Beth Adcock

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Hollywood and the High Country: 1987-1993

May 15, 2023 The year was 1987, more precisely a multi-year span between the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the Hollywood movie industry discovered the North Carolina High Country. In rapid succession, several notable films were produced either partially or entirely within the High Country region, namely The Last of the Mohicans (Daniel Day-Lewis); The Handmaid’s Tale (Faye Dunaway); Chapter Perfect (Wilford Brimley); The Green Mile (Tom Hanks) and the television series Rescue 911, among other productions such as television commercials. By Peter Morris

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Burton Photography: Photographers of the Year

May 8, 2023 The timing for Burton Photography could not be better. Just as the business prepares to celebrate its 30th anniversary, owners Jonathan and Bonnie Burton were recognized in February as Photographers of the Year during a national conference. By Sherrie Norris

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Dr. John Lang: Caring for Animals Small & Large

April 6, 2023 In the High Country of Western North Carolina, it seems as if veterinary clinics are everywhere, on main throughfares, side streets and throughout the three-county region of Watauga, Ashe, and Avery. However, these statistics aren’t quite what they appear. With the exception on one veterinary clinic, Dr. John Lang’s Linville Animal Hospital, in Banner Elk, all other such services cater only to small animals ranging from Dachshunds and Pomeranians to the larger breeds of Labradors and English Mastiffs, to many of the 42-71 recognized breeds of cats that inhabit homes from Vilas to Deep Gap to Meat Camp. By Peter Morris

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Juanita Smith at 100: “I never dreamed of living this long!”

March 24, 2023 Just days before reaching her 100th birthday in January, Juanita Smith said, “ I never dreamed of living this long. To say that I’ve lived a century just doesn’t seem possible. When I was a small child, I couldn’t imagine even living to be 50. That seemed like a long time for me — forever, you  might say. But, now here I am at 100.” By Sherrie Norris

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Darius Malbon: Striving to Make a Difference

March 12, 2023 One Lees McRae College alumnus is striving to make a difference and help as many people as possible overcome their everyday challenges. Over the past two years Darius Malbon has published three books that address deep topics like suicide awareness, finding one’s purpose, and racial unity in order to spark conversations. By Harley Nefe

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Burtons Named Photographers of the Year in National Competition

February 27, 2023 The combined talents and skills of local photographers Jonathan and Bonnie Burton have long been acknowledged and respected in the High Country and far beyond — their work displayed on walls of homes and businesses throughout Boone, across the United States and abroad. It came as no surprise to many that the couple was recently named Photographers of the Year during the annual (High School) Senior and Youth Sports National Conference, also known as SYNC, held in Orlando, Fla. By Sherrie Norris

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High Country Real Estate: Statistically Speaking – The Pandemic and High Country Real Estate Part 1

February 9, 2023 The North Carolina High Country is made up of seven counties: Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Watauga, Wilkes and Yancey.  From Boone to Burnsville, Blowing Rock to Banner Elk, Wilkesboro to West Jefferson, the High Country is filled with the beauty of nature, the small town spirit with big-hearted hospitality, and more points of interest than can ever be seen. In early 2020, when the CoVid-19 pandemic began, the world changed. Not just with the universal use of masks, social distancing, the rush to create a vaccine or the incredibly sad loss of life around the world, but in ways that could never be predicted. One of those changes was a shift in the real estate market, most markedly in the North Carolina High Country. By Bill Aceto

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Boonerang Music & Arts Festival releases 2023 music lineup

January 12, 2023 BOONE, N.C. — Propelled by an enthusiastic reception in its inaugural year, the Boonerang Music & Arts Festival today announces its music lineup for the second annual free community event presented by the Town of Boone and supporting partners. The festival returns to downtown Boone Thursday through Saturday, June 15-17.

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Two Local Women Participate in Wreaths Across America at Arlington National Cemetery

December 21, 2022 Joining thousands of others last weekend in the annual Wreaths Across America project, two Watauga County natives traveled to Washington to participate in the country’s largest related event at Arlington National Cemetery. Longtime friends Melanie Hollar and Anita Eggers made “a quick trip to DC,” they described, to honor loved ones and other fallen United States veterans during the annual memorial event held each year in December. By Sherrie Norris

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The U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree “Ruby” Visits Watauga High School on its way to Washington, DC

November 9, 2022 “Ruby” wasn’t without fanfare as she made her way from Newland to Boone on Tuesday — in the midst of an imposing entourage complete with police escort. Social media was abuzz with questions about “the big truck” taking up the middle of Hwy. 105, stopping traffic along the way. Perhaps more than a few people were unaware that “Ruby,” a gigantic red spruce, aka The U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree, was on her way to Washington DC, with about 17 total stops before reaching her final destination. By Sherrie Norris

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“From the Mountains to the Sea:” U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Will Stop in the High Country Enroute to D.C.

November 2, 2022 The High Country has long been known by many as the place to find “the perfect Christmas Tree” and has, on many occasions, provided just that for the White House and other notable sites around the country. For the U.S. Capitol, the main Christmas Tree has primarily been chosen from a national forest. This year’s capitol tree — a beautiful red spruce, spiraling 78 feet high and affectionately referred to as ‘Ruby’ — was selected earlier this year from the N.C. National Forest and harvested on Wednesday, Nov. 2. However, smaller companion trees, which decorate offices inside the U.S. Capitol building and other sites throughout Washington, are being provided by an Avery County tree farm and will accompany the Capitol tree to Washington. And, all will be coming through the High Country next week.   By Sherrie Norris

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Bella’s Italian Restaurant in Banner Elk Hosts Awards Dinner for “The Grandfather Challenge” Hiking Program for At-Risk Kids!

November 2, 2022 After  the completion of  their grueling, rigorous, eight-hour “Grand-Daddy” hike as the final trek of “The Grandfather Challenge” hike series, middle and high school students from all  over   Western  North  Carolina  are  always excited to  arrive  at  Bella’s Italian Restaurant in Banner Elk, NC for their coveted Awards Dinner! This celebratory event at this wonderful venue is always full of excitement, celebration, and outstanding food! Since the inception of this program in 2015, Bella’s has graciously hosted these celebrations in their intimate Banquet Room, and has fully supported and accommodated these school groups that come from Avery, Catawba, Caldwell, Lincoln, and Gaston County Schools.

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Daniel Boone Forum Event at Appalachian Theatre

October 19, 2022  An evening of presentations about Daniel Boone will be presented at the downtown Appalachian Theatre on Wednesday, October 26, starting at 7:00 p.m. as the Boone 150 Celebration continues. The Town of Boone gets its namesake from Daniel Boone, and this free-to-the-public event will feature three scholars discussing various aspects of Boone – Robert Alvin Crum, Randell Jones, and Dr. Jerry Williamson.

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Registration and information for the 2022 WCRC Trunk-or-Treat

October 18, 2022 With just a tinge of fall in the air, it’s time to start thinking and planning for all of those fun High Country events. We want to be at the top of your list in treating the young people in our community. Join us again for the WCRC Trunk-or-Treat. The event will be held in the parking lot of the Watauga Community Recreation Center on Sunday, October 30th from 5-7 p.m

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Inaugural Robbins Brothers Memorial Gold Tournament raises $40,000 for Imaging Center

October 13, 2022. Banner Elk, NC – The first annual Robbins Brothers Memorial Golf Tournament was held at Elk River Club on Monday, September 19. For 48 years, Watauga Medical Center and Appalachian Regional Healthcare Foundation (ARHF) have presented this tournament in memory of Grover C. Robbins, Jr. He and his two brothers, Harry and Spencer, were visionaries in development. Their dreams turned reality include Tweetsie Railroad, Hound Ears Club, Beech Mountain, the Land of Oz, Linville Land Harbor, Goldrush Junction (today’s Dollywood) and Elk River Club.

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