Book Released about Part-Time High Country Resident, Internationally Acclaimed Physician, and United States Military Hero James (Jim) Wood
August 16, 2024 A book about the military and medical career as well as the personal life of part-time North Carolina High Country resident James (Jim) Wood, has been released. Throughout The Life and Times of James (Jim) Wood, he shares his professional and personal memoirs about his experiences that have made him a national military hero, an internationally acclaimed medical doctor, a model family man, and a longtime contributor in various capacities to many community, civic, government, religious mission, and other worthwhile causes across the world, including in the High Country. The book, which was written by High Country Press journalist Tim Gardner, has been called a fascinating read and a must-have book for anyone with ties to Wood, who has an interest in the military, the medical profession, or who just enjoys a good book. By Tim Gardner