By Harley Nefe
In an unexpected turn of events, a routine trip to Wendy’s turned into an amusing ordeal for one local resident, Julia Milliron, and her daughter Alexandra Milliron, who reside in Newland but frequent Boone.
Julia found herself inadvertently trapped in the Wendy’s bathroom for a duration of around 40 minutes on May 1 at around 12:30 p.m.
Recounting the incident, she expressed, “I felt panicked at first but called my daughter to come help me. Then once people came to help, I thought the situation was funny.”
Remarkably, this wasn’t the first time such an incident had occurred at this particular Wendy’s location. Just days prior, another individual had found themselves in a similar situation, necessitating the intervention of the Boone Fire Department.
When Julia called Alexandra, she informed Wendy’s staff.
“They said a couple of their workers had gotten stuck recently as well,” Alexandra shared. “Employee’s tried 2-3 different keys with no luck, and finally, the fire department had to come.”
Alexandra continued, “The fire department used some tool to break the lock and
got her out.”
Despite the potentially alarming nature of the situation, Alexandra highlighted the light-hearted atmosphere among Wendy’s customers during the ordeal.
“Everyone cheered and clapped when they got her out,” she remarked. “Overall, it was a very funny experience.”
Julia provided further insights about the incident, mentioning that she ordered “a diet cherry Coke, nuggets, and a chocolate frosty.”
When asked if she will go back to that Wendy’s she said, “Yes we will – probably through the drive-thru.”
Reflecting on the experience, Julia shared, “I learned that I should’ve used the bathroom before we got to Wendy’s. Also, always take your phone with you to the bathroom!”
Alexandra urged Wendy’s management to consider labeling the problematic bathroom as “out of order” to prevent future mishaps.
The incident serves as a reminder that even usual outings can take unexpected twists, leaving patrons with unforgettable memories and stories to share.