The Watauga County Relay for Life Hosts the 2014 Kickoff Event Feb. 6 at Deerfield Methodist Church
Relay for Life of Watauga County will hold the 2014 Kick-Off event on Thursday, Feb. 6. The event will be held at Deerfield United Methodist Church on Deerfield Road in Boone. Registration and welcome will begin at 5:45 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Top Relayers and teams from 2013 will be recognized, along with Team Captains and teams who have participated in early registration challenges for this years’ event. Photo by Ken Ketchie

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Watauga County Farmers’ Market Currently Accepting Vendor Applications for 2014 Market Season

The start of a new year means brand new vendors present at the Watauga County Farmers’ Market. The market is currently accepting vendor applications for the 2014 Farmers’ Market season this summer. Each year, the board looks at the pool of applicants and decides which are most appropriate for the Farmers’ Market. Everyone who wants to be included must apply each year, even returning vendors from previous years.

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Farmers’ Markets Around the High Country Provide Local Products for the Summer Residents and Visitors

May 30, 2013. Summertime in the High Country means fresh local produce, soft artisan breads, right-from-the farm eggs and much more. Farmers’ markets all around the mountain region are gearing up for the 2013 summer to share their local wares with the residents and visitors that eagerly await the opening of the markets from the start of our famously harsh winters.

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The Battle at Turtle Island Continues, Both Sides Stand Firm as Sen. Soucek Could Become Unlikely Mediator
Dec. 7, 2012. Eustace Conway is perplexed, astounded and outraged at the recent events leading to the closure of Turtle Island Preserve, a 1,000-acre primitive refuge offering educational camps and internships, which he founded 26 years ago in the Triplett community of Watauga County.

“I am so shocked and hurt and so amazed at what I would call a human rights violation,” Conway said. “It basically started out as a witch hunt and hasn’t changed too much since then.”

Photo by Jesse Wood

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Last Day of One-Stop Voting at ASU, Foscoe Fire Dept., Saturday for Watauga and Avery County Courthouses

By Jesse Wood Nov. 2, 2012. Today is the last day of one-stop voting at the early voting sites located at ASU and the Foscoe Fire Department. Saturday is the last day of early voting at the early voting sites at the Watauga and Avery County Courthouses. For ballots of Avery and Watauga Counties, look to the left of this article. Read below for times and locations.  Watauga One-Stop Locations and Times Location 1:  Watauga County Courthouse, Courtroom 3, 842 W. King St. Thursday, Oct. 18 – Friday, Oct. 19, 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 22 – Friday, Oct. 26, 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 29 – Friday, Nov. 2, 8:00 a.m. – 5 pm Saturday, Nov. 3, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Location 2:  Price Lake Room, Plemmons Student Union, ASU  Monday, Oct. 22 – Friday, Oct. 26, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.  Monday, Oct. 29 – Friday, Nov. 2, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Location 3:  Meeting Room, Foscoe Fire Department, 9230 N.C. 105  Wednesday, Oct. 31 – Friday, Nov. 2, 7:00 am – 6:00 pm Avery One-Stop Voting Locations and Times One-Stop Voting Locations/Times in Avery County Avery County Courthouse in Newland Oct. 18 …

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Last Weekend of the Year to Enjoy the New River Corn Maze, Genuine Passenger Train and Pumpkin Patch
Oct. 25, 2012. The upcoming weekend is the last chance to get lost in the five-acre, one-mile long New River Corn Maze, to ride the genuine tractor-pulled passenger train and to pick you very own pumpkin for Halloween.

Set on the banks of the South Fork of the New River, the corn maze is open this Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to dark and this Sunday from 1 p.m. to dark. The corn maze is located off of U.S. 421 heading east of Boone on Laurel Gap Ridge Road – follow the signs. For more information, click to or call 828-264-2986.

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Local Author Releases Newest Crime Story

Oct. 24, 2012 Blowing Rock crime writer and Appalachian State faculty member Glenn A. Bruce has released his fourth book, and this one is his darkest one yet. “Rubric” is the story of the events that “send fictional Homicide Detective Mark Young into a spiraling free fall of change and self-examination” after a series of killings in his community.

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Another Candidate Debate/Forum on Tuesday, Oct. 16, at ASU’s Broyhill Events Center, Foxx Declines Invite

By Jesse Wood Oct. 15, 2012. As part of the ASU Department of Communication’s Fall Debate Series, candidates for the N.C. House and Senate, U.S. House and Watauga County Board of Commissioners will pitch their candidacy on Tuesday, Oct. 16, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Broyhill Events Center inside the Helen Powers Grand Hall. Participants include candidates for the 93rd District of the N.C. House – Jonathan Jordan and Cullie Tarleton; 45th District of the N.C. Senate – Dan Soucek and Roy Carter; the Watauga County Board of Commissioners – Tommy Adams, Vince Gable, Billy Kennedy, Virginia Roseman, John Welch and Perry Yates; and N.C. 5th District of U.S. House – Elisabeth Motsinger. Virginia Foxx, who resides in the High Country, declined her invitation participate, according to a release from ASU. A representative from Foxx’s campaign hasn’t returned a phone call as of Monday morning. The event, which is presented by AppSpeaks, College Democrats, College REpublicans and the SGA, is open to the public and is free to attend. A reception will follow the forum. For more information, contact Dr. Jeff Motter at 828-262-7527 or email him at

Word for Word: Candidates for N.C. House, Tarleton and Jordan Speak at Boone Chamber Candidate Forum

Compiled by Jesse Wood Oct. 10, 2012. On Tuesday night, the Boone Area Chamber presented the “Meet the Candidate Forum” at the Watauga County Courthouse. Chamber President Dan Meyer asked a variety of questions to challenger Cullie Tarleton and incumbent Jonathan Jordan – the candidates running for the 93rd District in the N.C. House. (Candidates for N.C. Senate, Roy Carter and incumbent Dan Soucek, answered the same questions here.) Jordan and Tarleton provided the most heated exchanges of the night and responded with answers pertaining to extra-territorial jurisdictions (ETJs), education cuts, ASU, unemployment insurance and the very “contentious” school calendar mandate which interestingly enough originates from lobbyists for businesses that derive revenue from summer tourism. Each response was limited to one minute. After the questions, the candidates were allowed two minutes to pitch their candidacy in a closing statement. Below is a complete transcript of the candidate’s answers. Parts of a few responses were inaudible and are noted so in the transcription. Also in a few cases, a candidate’s response was slightly edited for clarity. Don’t feel like reading? Check back later for full audio and video of the candidate’s responses. Meyer: What do you consider to be the number …

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