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ASU’s Michael R. Patricelli Craft Enrichment Program Offers Affordable Craft Instruction This Spring

For many High Country residents, the Michael R. Patricelli Craft Enrichment Program offered each year at Appalachian State University is a welcome outlet for creativity and a great way to learn a new craft or hobby. This year, classes will be offered in glass fusing and slumping, digital photography, weaving, welding and metalworking, stained glass, lampwork and beadmaking, jewelry, wood bowl-turning, fiber spinning, sewing, painting, basket making and pottery.

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Email Announcements We Are Receiving Today: See What’s Going On Around The Community

June 14, 2013. What is going on in your community? Here is a brief update on the emails that we received today. Check back each day for an updated list of events going on in the area. As always, please feel free to email us about your event or update. 1) BLAST Youth Program 2)Grand Opening of Blue Heaven Resort and Spa 3) Nature Journaling 4) Beech Mountain Arts and Crafts Fair 5) Please Stop for a Shriner 6) Beer Fest and Wine Tours 7) Wake Up Watauga

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Watauga High School Takes First Place in Wilkes County Marching Band Competition

Nov. 5, 2012. Watauga High School’s Pioneer Marching Band concluded its season with a flourish on Saturday, Oct. 27, taking first place among five Class 1A high school bands participating in a marching band competition in Wilkes County. In addition to taking first place, the Pioneers achieved an “Excellent” overall rating and won first place rankings in the categories of percussion, marching, and general effect. The band also scored a second place ranking in music.

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