Watauga High School Head Football Coach Steps Down Tuesday But Still Remains Athletic Director

By Madison V. Fisler Dec. 13, 2012. On Tuesday, Tom Wright stepped down as the interim head football coach at Watauga High School after one year at the position.  Wright, who is also the athletic director at WHS,  took over the position after the previous head coach, Tim Pruitt, resigned as coach in April to take another coaching position in Cherryville.  During Wright’s year in charge of the team, the Pioneers finished in fifth place for the season.  “I thought we had a good year,” Wright said. “I truly enjoyed it, it was great to be around young people again. As atheletic director I don’t get that chance very often.” When Wright took the position, it was with the understanding that he would just do it for the year to get through the year without having to immediately scramble for a new head coach. Wright said that he had just given them a one year commitment until the timing was right to find someone else for the job.  Wright said that he loved coaching the football team this past year, but it proved to be too time consuming. Because of this, he decided to concentrate on his position as athletic director …

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