AppalCART Sets Record for System-Wide Ridership

Nov. 5, 2012. The AppalCART, Boone’s free public transportation system, reported a system wide record setting ridership of 212,874 passengers for October, representing a 9.8 percent increase over October last year. The increase in ridership comes as a result of AppalCART adding two additional routes, an extra Purple route and the new Silver route.

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Boom One Records Brings Out The ‘Bass Culture’

Nov. 5, 2012. Two Appalachian State University Alumni have turned their passion into an enterprise. Boom One Records, launched in Jan. 2012, is the brainchild of Justin Butler and Peter Brown, two former Appalachian State students who have been playing music in the High Country for quite some time.

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CCC&TI Receives N.C. Back-To-Work Grant

Aug. 21, 2012. Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute recently received a North Carolina Back-to-Work Grant from the NC Community College System in the amount of $396,134. The grant, which targets local residents who have exhausted their unemployment benefits in the last 12 months, will provide resources for workforce development and job training.

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