Aug. 14, 2012. The NFL Network Thursday Night Football Tailgate Tour comes to Boone on Saturday, Aug. 18th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
The event, which features athletic and non-athletic sports-related games and is sponsered by Charter Cable and Piedmont Federal Savings Bank, takes place at the K-Mart parking lot in Boone at 1620 Blowing Rock Road.
The Tailgate Tour travels through the Southeast each fall. Admission is free, and Nathan Seamone and crew of the “Short Bus” will sell barbecue sandwiches while chips and soft drinks will be sold by Watauga High School DECA.
ASU and Watauaga High School athletes and/or cheerleaders are expected to participate.
The Tailgate Tour’s interactive games allow participants of all ages to test their skills at the quarterback pass and punt zone. Those less athletically inclined can test their luck and their skills in sports trivia games at the prize-wheel sweepstakes zone.
An inflatable obstacle course is featured as well. Tons of small prizes will be given away along with an X-box game system and a chance to see the taping of “Total Access” in Los Angeles.
“Piedmont Federal is a community bank dedicated to serving northwest North Carolina, with a home office in Winston-Salem since 1903,” Susan Norris, business development manager of Piedmont Federal’s High Country Region, said.
“Giving back to the community is a huge part of who we are. We also wanted to incorporate the talents of Watauga High School in helping us raise awareness about the event and the needs of the community.”
For more information, call Piedmont Federal Savings Bank at 828-264-5244.
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