Feb. 20, 2012. BOONE — The Town of Boone is sponsoring a “Lunch & Learn” to share with citizens what is being done to improve the over-all appearance of Boone. Citizens are also encouraged to make suggestions at the luncheon.
Brian Williams, of the Town’s Community Appearance Committee and Pilar Fota of the DBDA will share the goals of their organizations, the current projects they are working on and their future vision of how to make Boone “look good.”
The luncheon is being held at the Council Chambers on Blowing Rock Road at 11:45 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 24.
You must RSVP the Chamber at info@boonechamber.com or by calling (828) 264-2225. The deadline to RSVP is Wednesday, Feb. 22.
Photo by Paul T. Choate.
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