By Elizabeth Steele, REALTOR, Blue Ridge Realty & Investments, LLC
While Spring has not quite sprung, it is wending its inevitable way towards us. Honestly, it is so hard to say what season is more beautiful in the High Country, Spring or Autumn. I think winter and summer can be seasons of extremes in their own way, so Spring and Autumn each offer a bit of respite from that. A change of color, along with the change of seasons.
While Autumn is a time for making our nests cozy, going indoors and preparing for the winter, Spring is all about opening up, going out and embracing the natural world around us.
We’ve already sprung forward and many people will start to talk about “Spring cleaning.” While there are ancient and religious customs associated with Spring cleaning, the concept of Spring cleaning originated in America originated in the nineteenth century because March was warm enough to open the windows without worrying about insects and the wind could sweep the dust away. Smoke from woodstoves and later dust from coal furnaces would be cleaned from walls and furniture, rugs taken outside and beaten, furniture moved and floors polished.
With the advent of the more modern heating systems and window screens, the need for Spring cleaning to actually happen in the Spring became less common. Now it can happen any time someone chooses to take things apart, clean and put them back together. Plus, it doesn’t have to be done all at once.
But, there are a few things that any property owner should do in the Spring:
- Change the batteries in your smoke detectors and your CO detectors (if they’re not hard wired into your electrical system). While you’re at it, check the batteries on your emergency flashlights.
- Change your air filters. If you’re buying the cheap ones, do this at least once a month. But your system, your power bill and your allergies will thank you for purchasing the 3 month hypo allergenic filters. Plus you can remember to change those at the start of every season.
- Clean your dishwasher and dishwasher filter. Unscrew the filter from the bottom of the dishwasher, empty out any debris, scrub it out, then screw it back in. To clean the dishwasher, put a bowl of vinegar on the top shelf, then run a cycle with no detergent on the hottest setting. Then, generously sprinkle some baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher and run a second cycle with no detergent.
- Vacuum your refrigerator coils.
- Walk the perimeter of your house; look for any damage that may have occurred over the winter from severe weather. Make a plan to address any issues you may come across.
- Check your crawl space; look for any standing water or leaking pipes. Deal with those immediately.
- Pick up any sticks or downed branches in your yard; set them aside for the summer’s fire pit.
Of course, there are dozens more tasks you could do, but these are the big ones and none of them are too overwhelming. They can make your home feel refreshed plus make you feel very accomplished, not to mention they can prevent some serious issues with your most important investment, your home.
Oh, and when it’s warm enough open the windows and let the air in!
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