By Jesse Wood
Oct. 29, 2012. In front of the Watauga County Courthouse last week, the sidewalk was constantly packed with people coming to and from the early voting booths and with candidates and their supporters campaigning in the warm weather and sunshine.
But what a big difference the weather makes. No one has been campaigning on Monday morning in the frosty temperatures and sideways-blowing snow.
However on Monday, Watauga County Board of Elections Director Jane Hodges said, “It’s been holding steady,” referring to the amount of voters dropping by the polls. She mentioned that because of the beginning of a murder trial in the Watauga County Courthouse, some jurors are taking advantage of the proximity of the early voting site to get voting out of the way.
With the inclement weather forecasted to get worse tonight, though, Hodges added, “Ask us tomorrow.”
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