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Video Featuring Closing Statements of Candidates for Blowing Rock Town Council, Full Audio of Forum

By Jesse Wood

Oct. 23, 2013. The portion of the candidate forum in Blowing Rock featuring those running for town council didn’t include the barbs of the mayoral debate between incumbent Mayor J.B. Lawrence and challenger Dan Phillips. All the candidates for town council were present except for incumbent Councilman Tommy Klutz, who penned a letter to the editor here on why he didn’t attend. 

While the mayoral race was debate style, the council’s candidate forum featured a new format, whereby each candidate answered a question on stage while the others waited in the soundproof “green room.” During the audience portion of the forum, candidates all stood on stage together and answered an individual question. Then the next person answered a different question.

Finally, the candidates pitched their candidacy during a closing statement, whereby they could address a question that wasn’t asked of them if they chose to do so.

Below is a video of the closing statements. Further down the page is the entire audio for the candidate forum featuring those running for town council.


Audio of Council Portion of Forum – Minus Closing Statement

Photos from the Candidate Forum

The candidates running for Blowing Rock Town Council. Photo by Jesse Wood
The candidates running for Blowing Rock Town Council are Sue Sweeting, incumbent Doug Matheson, Ray Pickett, David Barker and Laurin Carter. Not pictured is incumbent Tommy Klutz who didn’t attend. Photo by Jesse Wood


The candidate forum in Blowing Rock had a decent turnout. Photo by Ken Ketchie


The forum was held in the auditorium of Blowing Rock School. Photo by Ken Ketchie
The forum was held in the auditorium of Blowing Rock School. Photo by Ken Ketchie


Essay contest finalists and winners: "What does Blowing Rock town government mean for my future?" Photo by Ken Ketchie
Essay contest finalists and winners: “What does Blowing Rock town government mean for my future?” Photo by Ken Ketchie

 View candidate pages for those running for Blowing Rock Town Council here.