March 26, 2013. The Boone Board of Adjustment holds a meeting at the Boone Town Council Chambers on Thursday, April 4, at 5:30 p.m.
Below are the items on the agenda:
- AR20130021, Frank Wilson (on behalf of Ethel K. Beckham Trust), Highway 105 South next to Super 8 Motel (Watauga County PIN 2900-44-8162-000), Administrative Review appealing a Notice of Violation issued on 12-7-12 for UDO violations regarding a failed drainage and storm water management system.
- SU20010086, Mountaineer Village, LLC, Yosef Drive (Watauga County PINs 2911-81-8013-000, 2911-80-4475-000), Special Use Permit Modification to construct 2 additional multi-family apartments and a gym.
- ZV20130131, Town of Boone ABC Board, 2067 Blowing Rock Road (Watauga County PIN 2910-61-8005-000), Variance to allow a 9’10” encroachment into the 20’ street setback along Hodges Street for a 1,087 square foot addition to the existing ABC Store building.