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State’s Unemployment Rate in April Dips To 6.2 Percent


Compiled by Jesse Wood

May 19, 2014. The state’s seasonally adjusted April unemployment rate was 6.2 percent, decreasing 0.1 of a percentage point from March’s revised rate of 6.3 percent. The national rate decreased to 6.3 percent from March’s 6.7 percent.

North Carolina’s April 2014 unemployment rate was 2.2 percentage points lower than a year ago. The number of people employed increased 14,104 over the month to 4,387,118, and increased 69,372 over the year. The number of people unemployed decreased 4,193 over the month to 291,280, and declined 102,377 over the year.

Gov. Pat McCrory released a statement on the figures: “We continue to see encouraging signs in North Carolina’s economy with each month that passes. We have made a lot of progress over the past year, but there is still a lot of work to be done.”

The liberal N.C. Justice Center released a statement on the new unemployment figures as well.

“There are both positive signs and significant causes for concern in April’s unemployment report released today by the Division of Employment Security. Progress has been made on the state’s historic declines in the labor force, however, job growth remains anemic and concentrated in those industries that pay wages well below the average state wage,” the release begins. Read the entire release here

Seasonally adjusted Total Nonfarm industry employment, as gathered through the monthly establishment survey, increased 15,300 to 4,113,900 in April. The major industry with the largest over-the-month increase was Professional & Business Services at 7,600, followed by Leisure & Hospitality Services, 5,600; Trade, Transportation & Utilities, 2,200; Manufacturing, 2,000; Other Services, 1,700; Information, 900; and Financial Activities, 800. Major industries experiencing decreases were Construction, 2,500; Government, 1,500; Education & Health Services, 1,400; and Mining & Logging 100.

Since April 2013, Total Nonfarm jobs gained 71,100 with the Total Private sector growing by 73,700 and Government declining by 2,600.

The largest over-the-year increase of major industries was Professional & Business Services at 30,700, followed by Trade, Transportation & Utilities, 18,400; Leisure & Hospitality Services, 6,200; Education & Health Services, 5,700; Other Services, 3,700; Construction, 3,500; Information, 2,400; Financial Activities, 1,800; and Manufacturing, 1,500. Major industries experiencing decreases over the year were Government, 2,600; and Mining and Logging 200.

The next unemployment update is scheduled for Wednesday, May 28, 2014 when the county unemployment rates for April 2014 will be released.