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State Board of Elections Releases Current Party Affiliation, Voter Demographics for NC

Parties Pie Charts

By Jesse Wood

Check out the current party affiliation and voter demographic statistics for the 6.38 million registered voters in North Carolina below; the figures and graphics were released by the State Board of Elections and are current as of Sept. 22, which was National Voter Registration Day.

The State Board of Elections stated that the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles registered nearly 45 percent the new voters last year. That figure was the largest source of voter registration activity and is compared to 12 percent derived from registration drives across the state.

“Civic participation through voting strengthens communities and the democratic process in our state,” said SBOE Executive Director Kim Westbrook Strach..

The SBOE also noted that registration is county-specific in the state, so voters who have moved must update their registration.

Click here to check your voter registration status.

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