N.C. Association of Educators Sponsors House and Senate Candidate Forum Tuesday at Cove Creek School

By Jesse Wood

Oct. 7, 2014. With the general election several weeks away, the N.C. Association of Educators (NCAE) is sponsoring four candidate forums in October at local public schools in Watauga County – one of which has already occurred.

All candidates and local representatives for Watauga County Board of Education, Watauga County Board of Commissioners, N.C. House and N.C. Senate have been invited to select forums listed below, according to Jennifer Steele Lacy, president of the Watauga County Association of Educators.

Each candidate in attendance has an opportunity to speak three minutes with the floor being opened to questions from the audience thereafter. The forum will be held in the media center at each respective school site. Forums will take place from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

“We hope to hear how each candidate plans to advocate for public education and the students in our community,” Lacy said in an email.

See dates and locations of forum below:

Watauga County Board of Education, Board of Commissioners Candidate Forum

  • Monday, Oct. 20 – Cove Creek School

North Carolina House and Senate Candidate Forum

  • Tuesday, Oct. 7 – Cove Creek School
  • Tuesday, Oct. 14 – Hardin Park School

For more information, click to the “News” page of http://wcae.weebly.com.