Letters / Statement From Boone Council Candidate Milner

July 26, 2013. Below is a statement from James Milner, a commercial real estate broker, on his candidacy for Boone Town Council.

Dear Citizens of the Town of Boone,

As most of you are aware, I have filed to run this upcoming election for Town Council of the Town of Boone.  As citizens, we are faced with challenging issues that affect all of us.  It is important that we have leadership that is willing to face the issues and work hard to resolve them.  I want to share with you what I feel the issues are, and what I will be supporting over the next few months during this campaign season. 

MilnerI believe in relationships.  Those that know me know that I am passionate, helpful and committed.  My love for the Town of Boone is broad.  My wife, Catharine and I are raising our son, Peter in this place we call home.  I believe that it is not what you are, but who you are.  In my time here in Boone, I have learned that a handshake and your word goes a long way.  I am a proud graduate of Appalachian State University with a BSBA in Finance and Banking (2004).  Should I have the honor of serving on Town Council, I want to work to build better relationships within the community, region and Appalachian State University.      

I am a business owner; I have owned my own business since December 2005.  I am pro-business and want to make it easier on all business owners to start and conduct business within the Town of Boone.  I will be an advocate for residential property owners that can be adversely affected by commercial fringe properties.  In this regard, should I have the privilege of serving on Town Council, I will work to make Boone a place of economic development and where we can all enjoy a high quality of life.

Being a young entrepreneur, I saw a need to gather and cultivate other young entrepreneurs and assisted in starting what is now Young Professionals of Boone.  Young people bring new and fresh ideas; we have different perspectives.  Over the next few weeks and in an effort to be transparent and have open communication, I will be introducing my social media outlets to share with you what we are doing.  The time is now; to give young people a chance to serve you, the citizens, businesses and institutions.  For the past seven years, I have served on the Board of Directors for the Western Youth Network.  I believe in its mission of being a resource to our community in assisting youth reach their full potential, giving them the tools and skills to make their lives just a little easier.  Therefore, should I have the opportunity to serve on Town Council, I will bring fresh ideas and perspectives to these issues and make a commitment to work together with other council members.  I firmly believe in introducing new ideas and perspectives that embrace our past by building upon what has made Boone the center of the High Country today.        

I am a commercial real estate agent; this is what I love and through professional development I have spent five years gaining a better understanding of this subject matter.  I am pro-growth, but in a controlled manner.  I feel that the Unified Development Ordinance provides a solid foundation for orderly growth.  However, I want to have discussions in those areas which have created division in our community and limited growth. 

These issues, and so many others, cannot be resolved or addressed alone.  I decided to run for Town Council after consultation and prayer.  I decided to run because I know that now is the time to roll up my sleeves, speak up and face these issues head on.  Citizens, this is a non-partisan race, and I am proud to say that I am an unaffiliated independent. My loyalties are with the Town of Boone, that is, the people of Boone. With negativity often surrounding politics, it is time to embrace positivity. I look forward to working with like-minded people, those with experience and expertise that can make the Town of Boone better—not only for my child, but for yours, and for generations to come. 

Join me in making this election season one that leads to improvement. I urge everyone to participate, and to take pride in voting so that you may say that you care about the issues and that you have selected the best people to approach and resolve those issues. 


James Milner