Governor McCrory Reflects on the Past Four Years and Honor of Being Governor

Since Governor Pat McCrory entered office in January 2013, North Carolina’s economy added 300,000 new jobs, the state experienced one of the largest drops in unemployment in the country, $2.6 billion in debt for federal unemployment insurance was paid off, personal income and business taxes were cut, teacher pay was significantly increased, transportation funding was revolutionized and $2 billion was invested in our education, parks, National Guard and other infrastructure through the Connect NC bond.

These accomplishments are among many touted by Governor McCrory in a video message released today.

In his video message, Governor McCrory reflects on some of the challenges North Carolina faced in the last four years, including Hurricane Matthew and wildfires in recent months. Thanks to conservative budgeting and a strong economy, the state’s $1.6 billion rainy day fund is the largest in state history, allowing North Carolina to respond to those events and be
prepared for others.

In addition to the economic comeback North Carolina has experienced, Governor McCrory touts efforts to streamline military and veterans affairs, support venture capital and crowdfunding, tackle mental health and underage drinking, and make critical investments in our education and infrastructure as initiatives that will support future growth.