Civitas Weighs in on Watauga Elections Board Debate: ‘The Way We Were – Troubled Culture of N.C. Elections’

CIVITAS-flame-cutoutBy Jesse Wood

Aug. 21, 2013. The Civitas Institute, which has a mission to “facilitate the implementation of conservative policy solutions to improve the lives of all North Carolinians,” according to its website, weighed in on the controversial Watauga County Board of Elections meetings in a article posted on Tuesday. 

The title of the article is “The Way We Were – The Troubled Culture of North Carolina Elections.”

Read an excerpt below and click the link to read the entire piece.  

“It is expected to take a little more than two years to implement the new voter photo ID law, but it will take a lot longer to change the dysfunctional culture that is entrenched in the state and local boards of elections and their staffs.

Not only has the legislature passed much-needed election reform legislation, but all the boards of elections (for the state and all 100 counties) have undergone changes in membership. In North Carolina, election board majorities depend on the Governor’s party. For the first time in 20 years Republicans have gained the majority on both the State Board of Elections (SBOE) and the county boards. Now there are two Republicans and one Democrat on every county board and three Republicans and two Democrats on the SBOE.

Unfortunately, there are indications around the state that Democrats are not ready to let go of their power and the old way of doing things. Two recent county board of elections meetings looked more like “Moral” Monday protests than a county board meeting.

The Watauga County Board of Elections meeting took place on August 12, with a newly appointed Republican member. The lone Democratic member, Kathleen Campbell, cursed throughout the meeting and condescendingly called the Republican board members, Bill Aceto and Luke Eggers, “boys”. And just like Mondays at the legislature, the attendees at this meeting screamed and booed and chanted throughout the meeting…”

Read more here.