The public will have an opportunity to hear position statements and ask questions of candidates for the elected offices of Town Council and Mayor, at a public “Candidates’ Forum” on Monday, Oct. 16 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Blowing Rock School Auditorium.
The Blowing Rock Candidates’ Forum was created under the auspices of The Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Challenge charter class of 2007 and is being carried on by alumni of all classes, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017. Alumni are committed to a series of civic and service activities throughout the year that provide community-wide opportunity to address issues and increase participation in our town. The Blowing Rock Leadership Challenge is an innovative leadership development program produced by the Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce. This program is designed to meet our community’s future need for the active participation of informed and educated leaders.
The alumni of the Blowing Rock Leadership Challenge have received participation acceptance from the three Town Council candidates and from the current Mayor, JB Lawrence and his opponent Charlie Sellers. The four candidates for the three open Town Council seats include Doug Matheson, Ray Pickett, Sue Sweeting and Virginia Powell.
Rich Scheurer, graduate of the Blowing Rock Leadership Challenge will open the forum with some brief comments and will serve as the forum moderator.
This year questions about our town and its governance may be submitted in advance through the Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce by telephone by calling the Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce at 828-295-7851 or by email at Additionally, questions may be submitted for consideration during the forum. Candidates will also be available immediately following the forum for one on one follow-up questions.
“We encourage all Blowing Rock residents to register to vote, to become informed on issues, and to be a part of the democratic process.”, said Charles Hardin. “The forum we are sponsoring is an ideal opportunity to hear the candidates discuss important issues and share their potential strategies to impact the shaping of Blowing Rock’s future.”
For voter registration, The Board of Elections is located in the Watauga County Courthouse.
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