Candidate Forums Announced by Blowing Rock Civic Group & Boone, Blowing Rock Chamber

In addition to the Blowing Rock Civic Association holding a “Know Your Candidates Meeting” on Monday, the Boone Chamber of Commerce and Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce will also hold candidate forums for the 2015 municipal elections on Oct. 19.

The Blowing Rock Civic Association is pleased to announce a community “Know Your Candidates Meeting” on Monday Sept. 28, 2015, at the American Legion Building, 333 Wallingford Street, in downtown Blowing Rock. The meeting will start with an informal reception with the candidates at 5:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. A formal question and answer session will start at 6:15 p.m.

The community is invited and urged to attend this important meeting. All candidates for Blowing Rock municipal offices in the Nov. 3, 2015, election will attend this event.

The Watauga County Board of Elections has published the following schedule for the Tuesday November 3, 2015, election:

  • Friday, Oct. 2 – Absentee Voting by Mail Begins. Absentee ballots can now be requested in writing.
  • Friday, Oct. 9 –Deadline to Register to Vote – 5:00 P.M.
  • Thursday, Oct. 22 – One – Stop Early Voting Begins
  • Thursday, Oct. 27 – Deadline to Request a Mail-Out Absentee Ballot – 5:00 P.M.
  • Saturday, Oct. 31 – One – Stop Early Voting Ends – 1:00 P.M.
  • Tuesday, Nov. 3 – Municipal Election Day

We are fortunate to have those who are dedicated to serving our fine community in public offices that require substantial work and time. Mayoral candidates seeking a two year term, Blowing Rock Mayor J.B. Lawrence and Charlie Sellers, will participate in this event.

Three candidates seeking two positions on the Town Council, Councilman Dan Phillips, former Councilman Jim Steele, and Councilman Albert Yount, will also participate in this event. Council candidates are seeking four year terms.

The Blowing Rock Civic Association thinks that critical decisions made by Town officials in recent years, the accelerating rate of change in North Carolina, and direct changes impacting our Town make the next several years crucially important to the future of Blowing Rock. It has never been more important to have conversations with those who will be making decisions for our Town.

We encourage all members of the Blowing Rock community to attend this meeting to discover candidates’ views of the Town’s future. This meeting will give citizens, business owners, property owners and homeowners opportunities to discuss issues with candidates, to email questions for the candidates before the meeting to , and to submit written questions to the candidates at the meeting. We think that citizen advice will be very helpful to our public officials in making good decisions for the future of Blowing Rock.

Questions will be reviewed for fairness, objectivity and relevance by former Blowing Rock Councilman Keith Tester and former N.C. Superior Court Judge Bob Burroughs.

Appalachian State University professor and longtime Blowing Rock resident Leigh Dunston will serve as moderator of the question and answer session.

The mission of the Blowing Rock Civic Association is to protect and improve the quality of life in Blowing Rock.

This mission covers a number of major issues that can be the subject of questions for the candidates.

Blowing Rock and Boone Chamber Candidate Events

We also urge everyone to attend the Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce’s “Candidates’ Forum” at 5:30 p.m. on Monday October 19 at the Blowing Rock School for a community question and answer session with Blowing Rock candidates. For more information, contact the Blowing Rock Chamber at 828-295-7851.

The Boone Area Chamber of Commerce will host MEET THE CANDIDATES FORUM at 5:30 pm on Monday, October 19, 2015 in the Boone Town Council Chambers on Blowing Rock Road. The candidates for Boone Mayor and Town Council have been invited to participate in the issue-based forum. This forum is not intended to be a debate between candidates or between the audience and the candidates, but rather an opportunity for the citizenry to hear each candidate’s position on topics important to all.

Questions will be asked of all the candidates in a ‘round robin’ format; each having an opportunity to answer first, but all answering the same question. The audience will be allowed to submit written questions during the forum. All questions will be asked by the moderator. Each response will have a 1-minute time limit and each candidate will have a 2-minute closing statement. In order to maintain decorum, political literature and signage will not be allowed in the room.

If you have questions, please call 264-2225 or email .