April 11, 2013. The Watauga County Democratic Party will host its annual County Convention on Saturday, April 13, in Courtroom # 1 in the Watauga County Courthouse.
Delegates and guests will gather at noon for a potluck luncheon and registration in the lobby outside Courtroom # 1. The Convention program will begin at 1 p.m.
Delegates will hear a report from the Nominating Committee and vote on county-wide executive officers, elect delegates to the 5th District convention on May 18, and debate the merits of a dozen resolutions submitted by various precincts.
Resolutions can be read in their entirety by visiting http://wataugadems.com/1296.
The Convention is open to registered Democrats and their guests.
See recent release about one of the resolutions to be presented: https://www.hcpress.com/politics/resolution-at-watauga-democratic-party-annual-convention-calls-for-local-officials-to-be-covered-by-ethics-rules.html
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