Appalachian State University’s Fifth and Former Chancellor, Frank Borkowski, Dies at 88

January 22, 2025 Francis T. Borkowski, who served as Appalachian State University’s Chancellor from 1993-2003, died Sunday, January 19, at his home in Valle Crucis following a period of declining health. Better known as Frank, Borkowski was a man of great insight with varied talents, skills and interests. He will long be remembered as an innovative leader who, in one short decade, led ASU through one of its most advanced growth spurts in the school’s history. According to his obituary, compliments of Austin and Barnes Funeral Service, Borkowski’s move from the University of South Florida to ASU offered him “an opportunity to take the reins of an ascendant college while relocating closer to family in the Carolinas.”  By Sherrie Norris `

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