Watauga Medical Center Receives CAP Accreditation

CAP AccreditedFeb. 16, 2012. BOONE — The Laboratory and Pathology departments of Watauga Medical Center announced yesterday that based on the results of a recent onsite inspection, the Watauga Medical Center Laboratory and Pathology Departments were once again awarded accreditation by the Accreditation Committee of the College of American Pathologists (CAP).

The laboratory’s director, Steven J. Bredehoeft, MD, MPH, was advised of this national recognition and congratulated for the excellence of the services being provided.

“Dr. Bredhoeft, Dr. Brent Hall and I could not be more pleased with the CAP survey results. The results are the reflection of dedicated staff who are committed to providing excellent patient care,” said Beth Miller, ARHS administrative director of Laboratory Services.

“Each member of our laboratory and pathology services team works tirelessly to ensure we meet and exceed our regulatory requirements.”

Watauga Medical Center’s Laboratory and Pathology departments share this designation with more than 7,000 CAP-accredited laboratories worldwide. The CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program is recognized by the federal government as being equal to, or more stringent, than the government’s own inspection program.

During the CAP accreditation process, inspectors examine the laboratory’s records and quality control of procedures for the preceding two years. CAP inspectors also examine laboratory staff qualifications, as well as the laboratory’s equipment, facilities, safety program and record, in addition to the overall management of the laboratory. This inspection program is designed to specifically ensure the highest standard of care for all laboratory patients.

To learn more about ARHS laboratory services, visit https://www.apprhs.org/laboratory.

More information about CAP can be found at www.cap.org.

To learn more about Appalachian Regional Healthcare System, visit www.apprhs.org.