Watauga County Republican Party Filed Two Campaign Finance Violation Complaints Concerning Distribution of Campaign Literature

A billboard that was paid for by “WEW-West End Women” has prompted the Watauga Republican Committee to file campaign finance violation complaints about the group behind the financing the sign.

On Monday the Watauga County Republican Party filed two campaign finance violation complaints with the North Carolina State Board of Elections and the Federal Elections Commission.  The violations were filed against groups “WEW-West End Women” and “Friends Who Believe In Decency.”  These groups have been distributing campaign literature without having registered as a Political Action Committee (PAC) as required by State and Federal Law.

The actions taken by these organizations, about whom nothing is known, are a violation of the law meant to provide transparency to the elections process.  “These shadow groups are funneling dark money into our local elections, and the voters deserve to know who is funding these advertisements,” said Anne-Marie Yates, Watauga County GOP Chair.  She also stated “It is more important than ever that the rule of law be followed, and people are entitled to know who it is that is trying to buy their vote.”