Springer Kicks Off DA Campaign With ‘Meet-and-Greet’ at Amalfi’s Restaurant in Boone at 5 p.m. Tuesday

By Jesse Wood

Aug. 13, 2013. Assistant District Attorney Britt Springer is hosting a “Meet-and-Greet” at Amalfi’s Restaurant on Rivers Street in Boone from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 13.


This event kicks off her campaign as a candidate for district attorney for the 24th Judicial District, which covers Watauga, Avery, Mitchell, Yancey and Madison counties.  

A flyer for the “Meet-and-Greet” states, “Come out and meet Britt and her family along with their friends for a great evening.”

Earlier this month, Springer announced that she will run for district attorney. Her announcement came at the same time as DA Jerry Wilson officially noted that he would not seek re-election after his term ends at the end of 2014.

Below his her Aug. 2 statement announcing her decision to run.

Springer’s Announces Her Run for 24th District Attorney Position

After serving the people of North Carolina as an Assistant District Attorney for the last 10 years, I am now formally announcing that I will be seeking the elected position of District Attorney for the 24th Judicial District.  

As the Chief Prosecutor for Watauga, Avery, Mitchell, Yancey, and Madison counties I have prosecuted cases at all levels including prosecuting homicide cases in all five counties.  Another field that I have made a priority and taken a hard line stance on is child sex abuse cases.  We simply cannot allow these perpetrators the opportunity to reoffend. The stakes are too high when dealing with our community’s children.  

With the endorsement of both the current District Attorney, Jerry Wilson, and Chief District Court Judge Alexander Lyerly, I am confident in my abilities to step into the position of elected District Attorney.  I am a proven prosecutor that can get the job done and continue to serve the people of the 24th Judicial District in the best way I know how.  Experience, integrity, and fairness is what we need in a District Attorney and I am just the person to sustain those qualities in our District Attorney’s Office.  

My campaign will be kicking off with a meet and greet at Amalfi’s restaurant in Boone on August 13th, 2013 and will soon after hold meet and greets in all of our fine counties in the 24th District.