Sailor’s creed kidnapped in spanish off nigerian food near me acknowledgement to Turkey backwoods backpack

Fifteen Turkish sailors kidnapped by pirates aftermost ages in the Gulf of Guinea accustomed aback in Turkey on Sunday and the ship’s captain declared how they faced afterlife threats and were captivated in a backwoods during their three-week ordeal.

The sailors hugged ancestors as they accustomed afore aurora at Istanbul Airport, area they were greeted by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and added officials, two canicule afterwards account of their absolution in Nigeria emerged.

“We were in a forest. There were boxy conditions. There were consistently armed men at our side,” Mustafa Kaya, captain of the address “Mozart” from which the aggregation were abducted, was cited as adage by the Demiroren account agency.

The Liberian-flagged alembic address was headed to Cape Town from Lagos back it was attacked on Jan. 23, 160 km (100 miles) off Sao Tome island, amphibian letters showed. One Azeri sailor was dead in what the aggregation declared as a adult and well-orchestrated attack.

“We didn’t acquaintance concrete abandon but they exerted cerebral burden during the negotiations. They said ‘we will annihilate you if your aggregation does not do what we want’,” Kaya said.

Kaya said that at the time of their abduction the aggregation had bound themselves in a defended allowance but that the pirates had affected their way in afterwards a five-hour struggle.

“They were consistently aperture fire, battlefront about inside. At that time one of our colleagues died. He was attempt in the belly. We are actual sad,” he said.

The aggregation was assuredly taken by baiter and appear at a safe abode defined by the company. Their absolution came two weeks afterwards the attackers fabricated acquaintance to altercate a ransom.

After their release, Levent Karsan from Istanbul-based Boden Shipping had said that the sailors were all in acceptable bloom and that it was not a political kidnapping, but alone aimed at accepting a ransom, with talks handled by a aggregation based in Hamburg.