Aug. 21, 2012. On Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012 from 7 to 11 a.m., volunteers for the Watauga Humane Society will hold a giant plant sale in the parking lot of Precision Printing at 1302 Blowing Rock Road in Boone. All proceeds will support the shelter’s community spay-neuter initiatives.
A large variety of perennials will be available including iris, columbine, fox glove, sweet William, sweet Woodruff, hosta, Shasta daisies, stokesia (blue daisy), lady’s mantle, tall phlox, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, crocosmia, day lilies, ice plant, daffodils and lilac saplings. Herbs for sale will include bee balm, lemon balm, basil, creeping thyme, various mints, and feverfew. Everything is ready to plant now for blooms next spring. Prices range from $.50-$4.
Your donated perennials are welcome, too. Pot them and bring them to Precision no later than 6:30 a.m. Sept. 8 for pricing on site.
Information about Watauga Humane Society’s low-cost spay-neuter program will be available. Did you know a female cat can go into heat when she is only six months old and have three litters in a year? A female dog will go into heat about every six months. There is no animal shelter large enough to contain all of the neglected, sick, orphaned, stray and surrendered animals who need sanctuary and care – unless we do our part. Prevention is the only cure for the heartbreaking realities of animal overpopulation. Please help us end animal homelessness in the High Country.
For more information call 264-5786 or 265-1264.
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