July 12, 2012. The local program unit of the National Association of Social Workers will meet Monday July 23, 2012, at 12:30 pm at the Watauga County Public Library located at 140 Queen Street Boone.
The Cutting Edge of Trauma: Sensorimotor, EDMR and HeartMath
The training is from 1 to 2 p.m. A certificate for an hour of in-service training will be provided, free to NASW members, $5 for all others. Note: Please do not allow food to keep you away. You may brown bag, share a potluck or share a food offering with a friend, you bring the crackers, they bring the cheese. Come network and learn.
For further information, please call Judith at 828-268-1907. Please RSVP to Judith at myfriendJudith2@att.net by July 20.