By Paul T. Choate
May 15, 2012. Local salons, Haircut 101 and Shear Shakti, are teaming up with Boone Saloon for a Cut-a-Thon benefit on Wednesday, May 16, to support community members and friends, Serena Crawford and Jason Brown.
“We are super excited to be working with Shear Shakti on this,” said Bishop Glover, of Haircut 101. “It’s going to be a lot of fun and hopefully help [Brown] a lot.”
Brown suffered a serious brain injury in late March which resulted in an extended time in ICU, hospitalization and now will continue recovery and rehabilitation for as much as a year. Crawford, Brown’s partner, has been by his side helping to care for him and support his recovery.
The event will being at 6 p.m. and run until “we can’t go any longer,” said Glover. Proceeds will go to supporting Brown and Crawford during the extended period of recovery and rehabilitation.
Stylist From both salons will be providing haircuts $10 and extra donations are accepted. There will be a DJ and $1.oo raffle tickets for prizes donated by local businesses.
For more information, contact Haircut 101 at 828-262-3324 or Shear Shakti at 828-865-7425
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