Oct. 22, 2012. Watauga County and the Towns of Beech Mountain, Blowing Rock, Boone and Seven Devils working in coordination with the High Country Council of Governments and NCDOT’s Transportation Planning Branch have been developing a Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
A steering committee comprised of planning staff and elected officials from the county and municipal governments along with representatives from ASU, AppalCART, the Blue Ridge Conservancy, Chamber or Commerce and NCDOT developed the draft recommendations for the plan.
The draft plan is available for public review at http://www.regiond.org/WCTP.html.
After reviewing the draft plan, please submit comments by completing a short survey at www.surveymonkey.com/s/WataugaCountyCTPRec.
Citizens can submit comments until Nov. 13, 2012. There will also be a public workshop on Nov. 8, 2012, from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. at the High Country Council of Governments, 468 New Market Blvd. in Boone, for those who wish to submit comments at that time. Copies of the draft plan and comment sheets will be also be available at the following locations:
Beech Mountain Town Hall
Blowing Rock Town Hall
Boone Town Hall
Seven Devils Town Hall
Watauga County Administrative Building
High Country Council of Governments
Participate in the survey and provide your input regarding the future of transportation in Watauga County.
For more information about the Watauga County Comprehensive Transportation Plan or the survey, contact Craig Hughes at chughes@regiond.org, 828-265-5434 or Cooper Sellers at dcsellers1@ncdot.gov, 919-707-0978.
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