By Maria Richardson
June 14, 2012. Today we celebrate the 235-year anniversary of the Flag Resolution in 1777 when Continental Congress approved the first American flag, also known as “Stars and Stripes” or “Old Glory.”
The Flag Day was officially established by the Proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson on May 30th, 1916. While Flag Day was celebrated in various communities for years after Wilson’s proclamation, it was not until August 3rd, 1949, that President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th of each year as National Flag Day. (
According to The National Flag Day Foundation, it was the fifth item on the agenda that day. The entry in the journal of the Continental Congress 1774-1789 Vol. Vlll 1777 reads “Resolved that the flag of the thirteen United States be Thirteen stripes alternate red and white: that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.”
Take the time to look at a Flag today; whether it be outside your house, along King Street, or just on this page. But always remember what it stands for and how the colors should shine true within everything we do as Americans, because it is the one thing we all have in common.
Photos taken at The 1861 Farmhouse Restaurant & Winery in Valle Crucis
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