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From the Mayor’s Desk: Updates on Numerous Blowing Rock Town Projects and October Candidate Forums

Note: Blowing Rock Mayor Charlie Sellers will be providing the High Country Press with news and updates on projects in Blowing Rock. This week, Mayor Sellers shared updates on seven projects going in on Blowing Rock as well as a reminder about two upcoming candidate forums for town elections.

Sunset Drive Project
This past week a total of four crews have been working diligently on the Sunset Drive project. Iron Mountain has two service installation tap crews working at once, one crew on the west end of Sunset and one crew on the east end of Sunset. A third crew is working ahead of the service tap crews doing sidewalk and curb demolition and removal. The fourth crew is completing the new concrete work as the service taps are installed. This concrete work includes new curb, stormwater gutter and sidewalk. 
Heather Ridge Water Line
Installation of the water line on Heather Ridge is complete and is in service. Crews will be finishing clean up and to stabilizing the ditch line this next week. We are planning to patch the road cuts next week as well.
Sourwood project:
The past couple of weeks a total of twelve manholes have been replaced on Sourwood. This past week ditch line work was completed. Over the next couple of weeks, the final phase of new asphalt will be laid and the project will be complete. 
Chestnut Ridge Lift Station
Siding was re-installed on the Chestnut Ridge Lift Station and painted from storm damage this past year.
Road Painting
White Lines have been painted on Pinnacle Ave, Rock Rd, Norwood Circle, Hilltop Way, Tarry Acres, Galax, West Green Hill, Cliff Lane, and Skyland this week. 
Valley Blvd. plantings
Town staff and NCDOT has worked this week at finalizing the tree planting inventory and schedule for planting. Median trees have been selected and plantings should begin to be installed in the medians over the next few weeks. Town staff has worked very close with Piedmont and NCDOT to ensure that the very best of quality and species are planted. This collaboration has been tremendous and very appreciated from the Town. Many thanks to NCDOT, Cullie Tarleton and Piedmont Landscaping
Community Clubhouse drainage
During the renovation of the Clubhouse, a flowing wet spring was discovered under the building. This past week a ditch was dug under and outside the building to remove the water away from it. Town staff installed foundation drains and new in-ground gutter drains. A new drainage pipe was installed to the north and west side of the building and tied into the Town’s storm drain system. The entire area around the building was re-graded to keep the water away from the building and it will be hydro seeded next week.  
Blowing Rock Civic Association candidates forum is planned for October 3. The BRCA began this event three years ago in the attempt to bring additional people out to hear what the issues were for those citizens that could not attend the chamber of commerce event held later in the month. This event is focused on our changing community and giving our citizens a strong voice.
The Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce candidates forum is scheduled for October 14. The forum was the first in our community to have an organized discussion for our community to meet our citizens running for public office. This event is focused on our towns changing demographics socially and from a business prospective.

As your Mayor, I have been so proud of our town employees and the support from our citizens. On a day to day basis, I and our council have been approached by our citizens wanting to discuss issues in our town. The two forums in October are about our town of Blowing Rock, so walk down the street, drive down in your car, jump on a plane, hire Uber, take Amtrack or Appalcart and find out how your representatives stand on the local issues. Hope to see you at both events.