Earlier than Usual, The Rhododendrons Are A-Blooming Published: Monday, May 7, 2012 at 1:00 pm Catawba Rhododendrons (the pinker flowers) are in full bloom across lower elevations in the High Country. This picture was taken at the Inn at Crestwood over the weekend. Each year, the High Country is host to the Remarkable Rhododendron Ramble at Grandfather Mountain from June 2 to 17 and the Rhododendron Festival atop Roan Mountain on June 16 to 17. Landis Wofford at Grandfather Mountain said the rhododendrons are beginning to bloom at McRae's Meadow. She encourages visitors to come during the earlier dates of the Ramble, so folks are guaranteed to see the vibrant flowers in abundance. Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInRedditPocket Related
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