June 12, 2012. Exotic Purdy Filly, played by Shelia Deal, is a popular dancer at Lucy Lipp’s saloon. With an updo, a beauty spot and her fishnets, she’s a dancer right down to her tap shoes. Purdy works long hours for Miss Lucy at the saloon. She’s not the brightest bulb on the tree, but could she be clever enough to have something to do with the death of Dray Duncan?
Dusty Trales, aka Sid Greene, is a singing cowboy. New to the Double D, Dusty always wears his cowboy hat and bandanna. He is rarely without his lariat which he uses to rope the cattle before branding them at the ranch. Since he’s on the ranch at the time of Dray Duncan’s untimely passing, Dusty is a suspect. Why would he want to murder his new boss?
Death at the Double D Ranch is an interactive dinner theatre presented by the committee for the 35th Annual Blowing Rock Hospital Benefit and Luncheon. The show takes place at Tweetsie Railroad on June 28 at 6:30 pm. All proceeds will benefit the new medical facility being developed in the Blowing Rock community. Tickets are $90 per person and include dinner, drinks, and the show. Tickets can be purchased by contacting Megan Lynch Ellis at 828-262-9564 or mellis@apprhs.org.
Do not miss this exciting evening. The tickets are going quickly.
To learn more about Appalachian Regional Healthcare Foundation, visit www.apprhs.org/foundation.
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