Dancing for a Cause; Dance Marathon Raises $25,000 for Area Children’s Organizations

Dance MarathonMarch 8, 2012. BOONE — Fifteen hours of dancing plus 300 student participants equals more than $25,000 in support for three area charities.

This year’s Dance Marathon, titled “Carpe DM: Seize the Dance” held in late February at Appalachian State University drew more than double the number of participants as last year’s event and raised $25,442.50 in pledges. Proceeds from the event will benefit Western Youth Network, Parent to Parent, and Children’s Miracle Network.

Students secured sponsors to raise $10 for each hour they danced. Since the Dance Marathon began in 2003, students have raised more than $160,000 for children in Western North Carolina.

The event included a series of awards based on a points system that included number of dance participants, amount raised and other categories. The 3rd Annual Chancellor’s Cup was awarded to the 2011-12 Service and Leadership Learning Community, which received a $250 cash prize along with dinner with Chancellor Kenneth E. Peacock later this semester. Second place was awarded to Appalachian Popular Programming Society. 

BT Nguyen from the Entropy Dance Crew Team raised the most money for the event, Grant Huether from the Service and Leadership Floor Alumni Team was awarded Most Spirited Dancer. The Kappa Delta sorority team was recognized for having the highest team attendance at the event, and Phi Mu Alpha fraternity was recognized for having the best banner.



Photo courtesy of Appalachian and the Community Together.