April 18, 2012. The Church of the Holy Cross in Valle Crucis is currently seeking applications from eligible 501.C (3) charitable organizations in Watauga and Avery Counties for 2012 Valle Country Fair Grants. Grants will be funded from the proceeds of the Valle Country Fair to be held on Saturday, October 20. The deadline for submitting grant proposals is June 10, 2012. Recipients will be selected in July and grant monies awarded in about a week after the Fair. Applications are being sought now so that recipients will be selected in time to be included in Valle Country Fair publicity.
Since 1979, the Valle Country Fair has been an annual event, organized and run by volunteers from Holy Cross Church, the Valle Crucis Conference Center and the surrounding community. Over 135 artisans from North Carolina and surrounding states display and sell their work. These artisans, along with food vendors, contribute a portion of their receipts to a fund, all of which (after Fair expenses) is returned to the local community as grants to charitable organizations or to families and individuals with emergency needs. This fund is administered by the Mission and Outreach Commission of Holy Cross Church.
Please note the application process has changed. Here are the criteria for applicants/applications:
1. Applicant must be a registered 501.C (3) charitable organization serving people in need in either Avery or Watauga County.
2. Applications must be submitted in an attached PDF file to: holy_cross@skybest.com (holy underscore cross), att: Ann Gerber, Mission and Outreach Commission. Please write in the Subject line “VCF 2012 Grant Application attached.”
3. Applications must be received in the inbox by 5 p.m., June 10, 2012, and must be submitted as a PDF file.
4. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
5. Each application must include at the top of the first page:
a. The organization’s name, email address, and both street address AND mailing address if applicable.
b. 501.C (3) ID number
c. Names, phone numbers and email addresses of organization’s director and treasurer
6. The application must also include:
a. a brief description about yourselves
b. Mission Statement
c. Organization’s sources of income
d. Amount requested
e. How funds will be used if approved
f. Names, phone numbers and email addresses of organization’s director and treasurer
7. Other requirements:
a. Please respond to all items and limit to a maximum of 3 pages.
b. Applicants must be willing to receive a site visit by Mission and Outreach Commission members and/or appear before the Mission & Outreach Commission if requested.
c. The Mission and Outreach Commission reserves the right to request the agency’s current annual audit.
d. Organizations selected for grants must supply a poster to be displayed during the Fair illustrating its work.
If you have questions or need more information, visit the Valle Country Fair website, vallecountryfair.org and click “To Apply for a Grant” or contact Ann Gerber at 297-3466.
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