Check Out Ballots for 2014 Primary in Watauga – See Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Nonpartisan Ballots

By Jesse Wood

March 13, 2014. Individuals of all political persuasion have a reason vote during the primary. See ballots for those registered as Republican, Democrat or Libertarian below – as well as important dates. There is even a nonpartisan ballot for those just wanting to vote in the Watauga County Board of Education race.

The primary will narrow the field for the general election in November.

Republican Races: See Ballot Below

As for the Republican races, plenty will be contested both in the primary. Eight Republicans are running for U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan’s seat. Philip Doyle is challenging incumbent U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx, a congresswoman in North Carolina’s fifth congressional district of many terms. Three Republicans are running for District Attorney of the 24th Judicial District. Two Watauga County Board Commissioner districts are contested in the primary. 

While the Watauga County Board of Education is nonpartisan, Republicans will have to help whittle the education race down to six. Eight people have run for Watauga County Board of Education.

Democrat Races: See Ballot Below

While not as many races to vote on during the primary, Democrats have plenty of reason to vote during the primary. Two Democrats are challenging U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan. Four Democrats are running for the opportunity to challenge U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx, and while the race for school board is nonpartisan, Democrats will help whittle down the education field from eight to six contestants.

Libertarian Races: See Ballot Below

Heck, even Libertarians have a primary race to vote on.

See all four ballots – Republican, Democrats, Libertarians and Nonpartisan – below the important primary dates section.


Monday, March 17—Mail–Out Absentee Voting Begins

Friday, April 11—Registration Ends for Primary Election – 5:00 pm
Thursday, April 24—One–Stop Early Voting Begins for Primary
Tuesday, April 29—Last Day to Request a Mail–Out Absentee Ballot – 5:00 pm

Saturday, May 3—One–Stop Early Voting Ends – 1:00 pm
Monday, May 6—Last Day to Return Voted Mail–Out Absentee Ballots – 5:00 pm
Tuesday, May 6—Primary Election Day – Polls open from 6:30 am – 7:30 pm
Tuesday, May 13—County Canvass for Primary Election – 11:00 am








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