By Jesse Wood
The Town of Boone is now soliciting applications to fulfill a upcoming vacancy on the Boone Town Council as Council Member Jennifer Pena announced that she is resigning.
Pena made the announcement at last night’s Boone Town Council meeting and said she is planning on her last meeting to be the last regular meeting in June.
“We are moving to Greensboro. It’s where I am originally from and where my parents live. I wanted to be closer to them. A lot of things [recently] fell into play to make this possible for us, and we are taking the advantage of the opportunity to move closer to family.”
Pena, who has been an instructor of history at the Ashe campus of Wilkes Community College, was elected to the council during the 2013 municipal elections.
Her thoughts of being on the board:
“Well, I think it’s been productive. It’s always challenging to balance what I think might be good for the town versus what different groups think are right for the town and, of course, you online slots can never make all sides happy. I can’t say enough about the town manager and staff we work with. I think everyone on the council, even when we disagree, really try to do what’s best for the town and are glad to have such knowledgeable people on the town staff to be able to ask questions to and rely upon their expertise.”
On Friday morning, the Town of Boone sent out a public notice advertising the vacancy. Whoever the council votes to fulfill the upcoming vacancy will only be on the board until the November 2015 election – at which point voters will have to elect a new person to take over.
See notice below:
The Town of Boone is soliciting applications from persons who would like to serve on the Boone Town Council to fill the upcoming vacancy of Council Member Jennifer Peña, who will be resigning effective June 18, 2015.
The position will be held until elections in November 2015 to appoint new members. The position selection is expected to be made at the June 18, 2015 regular meeting, with swearing in the following month.
Please submit a letter of interest and a Town of Boone Council Application to the Town of Boone, c/o Christine Pope, Town Clerk, P.O. Drawer 192, Boone, NC 28607 or via e-mail at
You may visit the Town’s Web site at to download a Council Application form. The application deadline is 5 p.m., Friday, June 5, 2015.
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