April 24, 2012. The Boone Area Lions Club is sponsoring a Watauga County Community Blood Drive with the American Red Cross on Tuesday, May 1 from 1:30 to 6 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Express in Boone. There is a critical need for healthy blood; so don’t pass up this opportunity to help out.
Also, this year the Red Cross “Spring Into Giving” program will give donors who give blood to the Red Cross between April 1 and June 30, 2012 the opportunity to win one of three $1,000 gift cards. Three presenting donors will be selected at random to receive a $1,000 gift card that can be spent on food, gas, entertainment or anything else you want. All donors are automatically entered.
To make an appointment for the May 1 drive, call 828-264-8226. Drop-ins are equally welcome.
About the Boone Lions Club
The Lions Club was the first civic club in Boone. Worldwide, the Lions Club boasts 45,000 clubs and 1.3 million members, making it the world’s largest service club organization. Their primary service is to the blind and the hard of hearing, At the local level, they provide glasses, eye exams and hearing aids for people and offer a scholarship through Caldwell Community College for a child whose parents are blind, deaf or have had an organ transplant. They collect eye wills and work with the N.C. Eye and Human Tissues Bank in Winston-Salem.