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Ball: ‘All Options Open’ Regarding ETJ Bill; Council Discusses Possible Judicial Action in Closed Session

By Jesse Wood

Updated: June 22, 2012. Last night after the Boone Town Council meeting, council members consulted with the Town Attorney Sam Furgiuele regarding the Senate Bill 949, the bill sponsored by Senator Dan Soucek that would strip Boone’s ETJ powers. The bill passed on the Senate floor and also passed the first reading in the House of Representatives  on Thursday, June 21. 

According to Thursday night’s agenda, “[Council members are] to consult with Town Attorney for legal advice on Senate Bill 949 in order to preserve the Attorney-Client privilege and to give instructions to the Town Attorney regarding the possible handling of a judicial action regarding the Town of Boone’s Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ).”

Speaking with Council Member Andy Ball Friday morning, Ball said he couldn’t comment on any possible judicial action at this time, but added, “We are certainly keeping all options open.” 

Ball said the council talked for about four or five minutes in closed session. The board didn’t take any action but did receive legal advice regarding “our options if the bill moves forward.”

Furgiuele could not be reached as of this morning. 

Read past articles about this issue: 







