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Boone Accepting Photos for Calendar Contest

Aug. 27, 2012. You could be a published photographer. Just send your best photos of the Boone area to Town Hall by noon on Sept. 26, 2012, and you may see them published in the Town of Boone 2013 calendar.  

The Town is now accepting entries for its annual photo contest. The 12 selected photos will be printed in the 2013 calendar, along with each photographer’s name. 

“The town distributes a free calendar to citizens each year that depicts local landmarks and special events,” said Mayor Loretta Clawson. “It also lists public meetings and includes important administrative information. The photo contest provides a great opportunity for citizens and visitors to share their best images of Boone. And we’re excited to recognize some of our local talent.”  

All photos must be taken within the Boone town limits. Photos should represent all 12 months of the year. They may depict town-supported activities and attractions, such as Town of Boone Clean-Up Day, public parks, street clearing and parades. Entrants are encouraged to send no more than two photos per category. These categories are listed with the contest rules at www.townofboone.net. Anyone can enter the contest, and winners will be notified by Nov. 15, 2012.  

Each photo should be submitted in a separate folder and include a completed entry form, available online at www.townofboone.com or at Town Hall. All prints must be at least 8” x 10” and be in horizontal format. Digital entries must include both a printout and a CD with the image being 8” x 10” at 300 dpi.  

Once submitted, all entries will become the property of the Town of Boone. By submitting an entry, participants grant permission of the publication of the photo and photographer’s name. Photos will not be returned. 

Entries must be postmarked or turned into the Town Hall office at 567 King St. with an entry form by noon on Sept. 26, 2012. Entries may be mailed to: Greg Young, P.O. Drawer 192, Boone, NC 28607. For contest rules and entry forms, log on to www.townofboone.net or visit Town Hall.