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LETTERS / We Worry About the Language of North Carolina’s Amendment One on May 8 Ballot

Dear Editor,

We, the Faith Committee of PAAL, worry about the unforeseen loopholes with the language of Amendment One.

We worry that the rights and benefits of those who are unmarried and the children of those couples and the children of single parents will change. There is absolutely no proof or guarantee that their status in the eyes of the law will not change.

We worry that the companies in this state that already recognize civil unions and give benefits to those couples may leave the state or they will have to pay lawyers considerable fees to keep offering those benefits to their employees.

We worry about the economy of North Carolina. There is a thin thread between a company settling in North Carolina or choosing another state. If this Amendment passes, that thin thread will become the width of a gigantic black magic marker. What company wants to come to a state that discriminates against unmarried families, single parents, and same-gender loving, committed, monogamous relationships?

We worry about the children of this state. How are the voters, who support this Amendment, going to explain to their children and/or their grandchildren whose sexual orientation is not of the majority…

And who suffer through the teen years feeling different and afraid to speak out; who even have considered suicide because they do not fit in with the teachings of their parents, or their church, or their culture…knowing their sexual orientation cannot be changed…

We worry about those children and grandchildren whose God-given spirit loves and desires to be joined together with another of the same orientation to celebrate their love in a committed, monogamous, loving relationship and enjoy the civil benefits

We worry about how you are going to tell them that you voted against their orientation—their way of loving and their way of living out I Corinthians 13 and Isaiah 43:1-4 selected verses: I have formed you and called you by name. I love you. You are mine. You are precious and honored in my sight.

            We worry about how your vote for the Amendment will affect your relationship with the children of the future and North Carolina.

                                                                        The Faith Committee of PAAL

                                                                         Reverend Marcia M. Cham, contributor