By Wayne Miller, Blowing Rock
Well folks the Blowing Rock Civic Association has finally admitted to what many of us already knew, that their goal in the upcoming election is to gain control of our town council so they can run the town for the benefit of their group of mostly seasonal members. How do we know this, they said so at a public event! At a recent rally for their supporters the BRCA candidates, Hunt Broyhill and Jamie Dixey, said not once, not twice but three times that if they are elected “we” will control 3 seats on the town council. These 3 seats will make a majority and give the BRCA control of our town government and I’ll say it again, the BRCA goal all along. If you don’t already know who the third council member is call me and I’ll let you know.
Now let’s examine the BRCA candidates for our town council.
What we know about the Broyhill-Dixey campaign, other than that they are supported by the BRCA, is that they keep saying that our past elected representatives have done a terrible job and that they are the only ones that can fix things. Really! And how are they so capable of fixing things? Hunt Broyhill says he lives in Blowing Rock but has anyone seen him at Food Lion, on Main Street, at a town council meeting, anywhere. He also says that he has only voted in our town once, so where has he been voting in the past? I can tell you where. When Hunt Broyhill registered his candidacy for our town council with the Watauga Board of Elections he listed his mailing address in Hickory! He evidently doesn’t even have a Blowing Rock mailing address!
Jamie Dixey has at least lived in Blowing Rock for a good while and voted and I hear she volunteers sometimes at the library. But has either Broyhill or Dixey ever served on a town board or commission to better understand the dynamics and intricacies of our community and be better prepared for elected office? The answer for both is no although Broyhill served on the BRCA board!
Now to the candidates they want to defeat.
David Harwood and his wife have lived, worked and raised their family in Blowing Rock for the past 24 years. Mr. Harwood has served on the Blowing Rock town council for the past 4 years but before that he served 9 years on the Blowing Rock Planning Board-6 years as chairman, 3 years on the Town Board of Adjustment and 11 years as a Board of Directors member for BRAHM, the Chamber of Commerce and the Historical Society.
Cat Perry and her husband are full time residents of Blowing Rock and have been for years. Ms. Perry currently serves on the Blowing Rock Board of Adjustments and also the Planning and Zoning Board along with being a member of our Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club.
In my opinion this upcoming election for our town council and the future of Blowing Rock is really pretty simple-Do we want the Blowing Rock Civic Association running our town, their goal for a long time, or do we not? It really all just boils down to that. If you agree with me that we do not want the BRCA controlling Blowing Rock then we have two very capable and well-prepared candidates, David Harwood and Cat Perry and I respectfully ask you to vote for them.
See you on election day.
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