First, I want to thank the many, many people who have expressed their appreciation to me for writing the earlier letter and relaying that they agree the Blowing Rock Civic Association, in their effort to control our community, has created a toxic environment that never existed before.
On September 21 in an often-rambling response to my earlier letter Jean Kitchin, Chair of the Blowing Rock Civic Association, failed to address the most troubling points that were raised:
-That they lobby and aggressively wage disinformation campaigns in our community
-That a BRCA board member tried to intimidate current Town Council members reminding them that this is an election year and in a threatening tone sent an email stating “we’re coming for your seat” to two current town council members
-That they are calling a current BRCA member and past member of their board “our candidate “ in the upcoming election
-And finally, that the BRCA has been encouraging members to change their voting addresses to Blowing Rock so they can vote in the upcoming town council election?
Did Jean Kitchen think that she could just pass over these items and that the citizens of Blowing Rock wouldn’t notice? I think she did. Ask yourself why she ignored these questions, because she knows they are true and didn’t want to acknowledge it.
Let’s address the first question, she notes in her response that they have never been a lobbying organization. In my opinion, they have always been a lobbying organization and just got caught. Looks like the BRCA is now reporting to the IRS not as a 501c(3) which doesn’t allow lobbying but as a 501(h) which does. She says they did this because they may need to lobby in the future. Really! How stupid do they think we are? An interesting tidbit, did you know that in the past before town council meetings a member of our town council, Sue Sweeting, would schedule meetings with the BRCA to discuss their agendas. If this isn’t an example of lobbying then what is? And guess who Ms. Sweeting is working tirelessly for in the upcoming election? You guessed it, Hunt Broyhill and Jamie Dixey, the BRCA “our candidates”.
Second, why did Ms. Kitchen make no mention of the implied and actual threats made to members of our town council by a current BRCA board member? You know why. There is no response because she knows it is true.
Third, why do we know that Mr. Broyhill is the BRCA candidate? Because Tom Barrett, the BRCA vice president, is telling people so. Jean Kitchen knows what BRCA leadership is saying but just doesn’t want to admit it.
As for the BRCA asking members to change their voting address, everyone should watch the video Tom Barrett, the “our candidate” Tom Barrett, posted on the BRCA website. He’s not “encouraging people to exercise their civic duty” as Ms. Kitchen says but actually asking them to change their voting address so they can vote here. Go to the site it’s all there in the video.
Look folks, it’s all very clear. The BRCA, in their entitled minds think they and the part-time residents they represent are smarter and better qualified to run our town than the rest of us. To achieve this end, they support a slate of candidates, Hunt Broyhill and Jamie Dixey, and request their members change their voting address to Blowing Rock so they can vote for their candidates. It’s as simple as that.
Finally, many years ago my father told me that every now and then people will drop their guard and reveal to you who they really are. He told me that when this happens I should pay very, very close attention because this is when they will reveal their true character. In my opinion, the Blowing Rock Civic Association is revealing their true character. Blowing Rock please pay very close attention.
Wayne Miller, Blowing Rock
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