Years ago when I first came to town I got entangled in a back and forth letter exchange with a Mr Ron Bill. It lasted until he got tired of it as he never could defeat any of my evidence or historical reference. I challenge anyone to debate on my awareness of history and geography. Few would rise effectively to the occasion. Because someone prints some allegations in an attempt to refute my points doesn’t make their words true. Its been a hobby of mine for seventy years to read those subjects. To go the mile towards proof that would satisfy, perhaps, ms Delores Smith would generate a small book so I’ll provide a few here.
As for Israel, its never abided by any UN resolution from the day the UN established it and the accompanying map will illustrate some of that. If a foreign body went to the UN and made an effective case to return this country to the original inhabitants I don’t think many current citizens would accept it. We robbed, murdered and raped our way across this land with some accounts putting the dead red man tole above twenty million. The red man would have most excellent case many times greater than the joos did in Palestine. Since then they’ve steadily ignored all UN mandates and taken more Palestinian lives and land, which the current Gaza situation makes clear. America still calls the Palestinians terrorists for doing the same thing we’d do here if a violent gang moved into our country.
We stand with them against the world for how they treat their natives which makes south Africa’s apartheid seem tame.
We give them north of three billion a year not counting special disbursements. Their budget has been in the black until they choose to eradicate Gaza.
We borrow at great expense to do so. If any other land in the world did half of what the Zionists do to their natives ‘our free press’ would raise the roof in opposition but here in this case we make excuses of the sort a loving mom does for her repeat offender teenager. We talk about how Israel has to be there so Jesus will come back, but even conservative Jews say Israel isn’t a valid creation to satisfy those conditions
The case of the USS Liberty in 1967 is another example of why they ain’t our friends. Listen to the recording of the Israeli pilots as they radio back to their base that the ship they’ve been ordered to attack flies an American flag and they’re ordered to continue attacking, for three hours. They tried to sink the ship so it could be blamed on Egypt to bring us into their war. They’re doing their best to have us in on their side now, with all indications that we’ll do so, in an undeclared war, among many we’ve started or joined with out the legal requirement for congressional action declaring said conflict.
Recently one congressman reported that he was one of the few that didn’t have an Israeli minder telling him how to vote and getting him funding.
As for the state of American journalism the fact that none stood and questioned why Julian Assange was in jail for simple reporting information given him aught to provide an intro as to their condition. During the Clinton years there were approximately fifty nationally significant media companies. There are now less than ten. What ever happened to anti trust laws as our teachers bragged to us about in school? Investigate who owns those companies and who works for them and then get back to us with your findings. If you have any research skills and persistence I’ll guarantee you will be surprised at the results. How many of those media companies run different information and reporting from the other.
There are YouTube videos in which there are myriad video screens filled with tv talking heads repeating the same words, without exception. The opposition media has been preempted or ejected. In the last three years I can think of several networks we no longer see because they didn’t get in line. Divergence is treated as ‘conspiracy theory’ which is because it rejects the company line. I’ll venture a guess you’ve found a conspiracy theory or two to be accurate if you broke loose from your moorings and investigated. Perhaps one out of ten accepts the warren commission findings any more but divergence is still called ‘conspiracy theory’. This after congress effectively declared it wrong in the seventies.
Ms Delores Smith aught to avoid the company line and get some real information before having a Karen breakdown.
Written by: Craig Dudley
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