Dear Editor:
Employment Service/Watauga JobLink Career Center held Hiring Heroes Career Showcase and Community Job Fair on March 21, 2012 at the Boone National Guard Armory. At the fair, 23 employers interviewed approximately 150 jobseekers, one third of them veterans, for a variety of open positions resulting in several probable hires.
The success of the job fair would not have been possible without the support of our sponsors and participating employers. We offer sincere thanks to American Legion Post 130, Disabled American Veterans Chapter 90, High Country Radio, Rays, High Country Workforce Development Board, North Carolina Army National Guard 1451^st Transportation Company, U.S. Marine Corps League Detachment 1320, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7031 for material support in assisting high country residents and veterans find gainful employment.
It is an honor to serve the residents of the High Country in all aspects of employment support and look forward to hosting our next job fair in the Fall.
Anita Lowe